Thursday 27 November 2008

My blueberry nights

My blueberry nights
are those that I have with you
and with my dreams with you.

Nights happens releases
when you are not here,
wallpaper becomes more yellow
and their images say stories
of simple and sad things.

Why you are not here with me?

(I wait film)


Anonymous said...

The poem is good, but when it comes to translation seems poor!
Mis noches de arandano son aquellas contigo y con mis sueños contigo.El concepto es buenisimo, transmite pero en la redaccion yo le pondria:
My blueberry night are those I have with you and those that I dream with you.
y aquellas en las que sueño contigo.
Night happens realeases when you are not here...

Noches suceden sueltas cuando no estas aqui. No se entiende que quieres expresar.
podria ser :
The night become releases
las noches se convierten en liberacion?!?!?
Lo demas me encanto!
...Their images tell stories.( say stories es dicen historias, no suena tan bien)
me parece genial el concepto!
para finalizar yo agregaria.
"Y me pregunto":
And I ask myself, why you are not here, with me?
Eres bueno, muy bueno, cuando quieras tradusco tus poemas, no cobro!
Mariana Aginuz!

Anonymous said...

old pond
a frog jumps
the sound of water

In a old pond
a frog jumps
making sound in the water.

Anonymous said...

Since four years back I´m trying to learn the English language without more aid than my own eagerness. For that reason I have begun to write some poems in English. The musa that moves my hand has been always the greattest singer Norah Jones.

Four years a go I to tryed to learn English, with only my (eagerness??)That is how I begun to write some of my poems in this lenguage.
Hace 4 años atras yo trate de aprenderI ngles, sin mas que mi?? Asi es como comence a escribir poemas en esta lengua.

Solo sugerencias de redaccion.

Anonymous said...

Four years a go I to tryed to learn English, only with my entuciasm, that is how I begun to write some of my poems in this lenguage.

unsilencioquenocalla said...

Muchas gracias, Mariana, por tu ayuda generosa y desinteresada...

ya me enseñarás un mejor inglés.