Thursday, 27 March 2008

They hide her

She is uncomfortable after to get her triumphs.
Prizes seemed that they hide hers.
By the way, it is a beautiful way to be hidden.

What to do? It seems that she is saying,
Because she doesn’t knows how to react.

Only smiles beautiful soft voice princess,
Only smiles and continue singing.

What happens after to win so many prizes?
The way finishes?
Can sleep the Amazon?

Only smiles sweet butterfly,
because you don’t should to rest,
because you condemned yourself
to continue singing for them.

When will be the end?
By the way, to hide itself never is well.

There will be an end?
There are your hands and
there are my fears
to build a footpath to future.

She smiles innocently because still is games time

The ghosts also usually play
between corridors and windows

You cannot shout, because you are hidden of your prizes.

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